Indoor gutting facilities

Right on the dock, a short way from our boats, we have excellent indoor gutting facilities—a large room with space for gutting, filleting and packing. We have large freezer boxes, which our overnight guests can use to freeze and store fish until returning home.
There are many laughs, and good fishing stories in the gutting shed - here you have the joy of fishing in common and the smiles tend to go from ear to ear. Everyone is quietly tired after such a fishing trip. Here fishing places are discussed while everyone is checking their equipment, and most anglers make plans for the next days at sea, some even for there journey to Lofoten next year.
There are many laughs, and good fishing stories in the gutting shed - here you have the joy of fishing in common and the smiles tend to go from ear to ear. Everyone is quietly tired after such a fishing trip. Here fishing places are discussed while everyone is checking their equipment, and most anglers make plans for the next days at sea, some even for there journey to Lofoten next year.